Promise fulfilled! When I started BoOonBox, I promised you my dear customers and readers that I'll  slowly test the  products you find in BoOonBox.

Now, you'll see this symbol (BoOonCheckMark) in every product that was not only personally tested, but products that were used up for a longer period of time. Testing is easy which everyone can do, but using up a certain product for at least 4 weeks (except for Sheetmasks) and more regularly and consistently is a big challenge! That is also why it took me sometime to show this to you.

What this means to you as a customer?

As you know, all products listed in BoOonBox are well researched for its effectivity, not only through positive reviews from customers internationally, but also from honest blog reviews and from conclusions of trusted curators of Korean products. The the first hand informations I get from testing the products, is also the same information I convey to you, when you come to me and ask for queries about a certain product. 

The products which do not have the  BoOonCheckMark (yet), are under the waiting list to be tested. They'll for sure get one at the right time. I learned not to hurry when testing products. My rule is: test one product at a time, empty them, and only test a certain product according to what the skin needs!

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